Monday, December 12, 2011

Question: Is it a must in Islam to break their virginity? Please answer with an authentic hadith. Please reply as soon as possible.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Since question has two states one with marriage and another without marriage, as without marriage this state is Haraam we are re-framing the question as 
"Is marriage a MUST in Islam? "
Anas ibn Malik, May Allah be pleased with him, said “A group of people came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet[pbuh], may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to ask about the worship of the Prophet[pbuh]. When they were told, it seemed that they thought that the amount was not sufficient. They said, ‘Where are we in relation to the Prophet[pbuh]?’Allah has forgiven him his past and future errors,’ One of them declared, ‘As for myself, I will pray all night,’ Another said, ‘I will fast continually and never break it.’ Another said, ‘I will withdraw from women and never marry.’ The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace came to them and said, ‘Are you the people who said such and such? By Allah, I have more fear of Allah (Taqwa) than you and more awareness of Him, but I fast and break the fast, pray tahajjud and sleep, and marry women. Anyone who is averse to my Sunnah is not from me.’”  (Bukhari and Muslim)

Nikah is "Sunnate Muwakkida", the one who leaves it will be considered sinner. [Fatawa Shaami Jild(volume) No. 4, Pg 65]

The Holy Prophet[pbuh] placed emphasis (takeed) on the Nikah, and desliked celibacy (Tanhaayi ki zindagi). [Muslim Jild No.1, Pg 449]

The Prophet[pbuh] has clearly forbidden people from celibacy: "There is no celibacy in Islam" [Sahih Bukhari]

Similarly Allama Najmul Misri says: Nikah is Sunnah, and Near Indattaukaan (Scholars of Salafussaliheen) Its Waajib . (Al bahrurrayiq Jild No.3, Pg 144)

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Darul Ifta, Bangalore